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     公司本着“客户的满意:源自我们的一丝不苟 精益求精”的原则,追求卓越品质,从业以来得到国内外众多客户的认可,东秀人将追求精益求精的工匠精神,把“东秀制作”打造成制造行业的一个品牌。 

Dongxiu Precision Molds Co. LTD

Specializes in molds for automotive bumpers and center console, including processing for depth drilling, CNC and EDM.

Able to drill holes up to 1m in depth with diameters range from 45-100mm.

In-house Quick Jet 2516 high-speed 5-axis CNC and 20 others medium to large equipment for machining.

Provide service domestically and internationally.

Address: Ruijin Industrial Park in Daling Mountain,Dongguan City.


Mr. Zhang: 18620363239

Mr. Yao: 13544155654

Web Site: http://www.dgdongxiumold.com.

Email: xiu_zhangrz@163.com